The Right Plugin incorporates plugins from the,, CodeCanyon, and Not WP repositories. (Not all CodeCanyon plugins are included because of limited information provided by CodeCanyon, to if yours isn’t already include contact us so we can add it.) We handle inclusion of plugins not included in one of those repositories through a web accessible JSON formatted file with information on the plugin. Below is the draft format for that is currently in use. All fields are optional, though some obviously limit the searchability of the plugin. Please contact us if you have questions or have suggestions on how to improve the format.
Draft plugin.json format
The following keys are supported.
- name: Name of plugin.
- author: Author of plugin.
- author_url: URL for author.
- plugin_url: URL for plugin.
- short_description: Description of plugin limited to 150 characters maximum.
- description: Description of plugin.
- changelog: Changelog of plugin.
- download_url: Direct URL to download plugin.
- yearly_price: Yearly price of plugin.
- one_time_price: One time price of plugin.
- price_currency: Currency for price. Uses formats:
- donation_url: URL of donation page for plugin.
- original_release_date: Date plugin was originally released. ISO 8601 format used:
- last_updated_date: Date plugin was last updated. ISO 8601 format used:
- tags: Array of 1 to 5 tags, lower case, spaces supported.
- requires_at_least: Lowest version of WordPress that is reguired for the plugin to work.
- requires_php: Lowest version of PHP that is reguired for the plugin to work.
- tested_up_to: Highest version of WordPress that plugins is tested to work with. Only the major version needed.
- wc_requires_at_least: Lowest version of WooCommerce that is reguired for the plugin to work.
- wc_tested_up_to: Highest version of WooCommerce that plugins is tested to work with. Only the major version needed.
- cp_requires_at_least: Lowest version of ClassicPress that is reguired for the plugin to work.
- cp_tested_up_to: Highest version of ClassicPress that plugins is tested to work with. Only the major version needed.
- icon_url: URL for icon for the plugin. Suggested formats at
- support_url: URL where support is available from.
- security_policy_url: URL where security policy for plugin and or developer is available from.
- certified_wp_security_url: Verification URL for security plugins that are a Certifed WP Security product.
- public: Allow URL for plugin.json file to be public for others to incorporate the plugin in to search or other systems if set to true.
Example plugin.json File
Here is the file for our Lockdown Mode plugin.
Validate plugin.json File
Submit plugin
If you want to submit many plugins, contact us with a list of those.